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Animal Care Now, Inc

Providing emergency funding for animals in distress

Board of Directors Recruitment


We ask all interested individuals to submit a completed application and letter of intent. Application materials should be sent to and follow the prompts below. These letters will be sent to the current Board for review before the following Board of Directors quarterly meeting.


Upon approval, applicants will receive information to attend the meeting where the board will be invited to approve new 


About ACN: Animal Care Now, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization founded in 2015. The primary mission is to provide emergency funding for animals in distress. ACN accomplishes this goal by offering Veterinary Grants where individuals or rescues with a specific animal in need of veterinary care apply. Upon review and approval by the Executive Director, funding is allocated directly to the treating veterinarian. A pilot version of this program during Q1 granted 22 animals funding for life-saving veterinary care; recipients include 13 cats, 5 dogs, and 4 birds. ACN is a direct support organization; ACN does not operate a rescue, shelter, or foster network. At no time are any animals in ACN’s custody.


Guiding principles:

  • Provide financial assistance so that animals receive the veterinary care they need

  • Guarantee complete transparency, including open access to ACN budget and activities

  • Diversify grant recipients; encourage cross-agency and cross-organization collaboration and dialogue





I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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